My life had been so great this past of weeks and the first thing I need to do is : PRAY TO ALLAH. because of Him, I could create non-faking smile EVERYDAY. but I admit, I had an unsettled probs because if you're always happy, then you're not SO NORMAL. seriously! so, JUST smile even when u have probs. because WE NEVER know how much fun it could when we're just SMILING. I just started to make it as one of my habits. This justin BIBIR's song-U SMILE are specially for those who are in sadness and pain. :)
SECONDLY, my heart becomes stronger nowadays. maybe my sister is right! she said if you're happy and getting more HEALTHIER, then your love for SOMEONE SPECIAL is RIGHT. and if he/she makes u MORE MISERABLE like, UHH XDE SELERA MAKAN. MANDI XBASAH. wth? then stop the relationship and just PRAY TO ALLAH and this is what we called the SPECIALTY of prayer :). WE THINK OF ALLAH EVERYDAY then He will always think of you. He will find you a good one. So just stop thinking about it and start to appreciate everything.